Papers pubilshed during 2018-2024

    ( 2024-06-27 )

    published over 150 papers

    Researcher ID: F-5929-2010,

    10 Selected Publications of Dr. YaN-Xia Chen

    1. W. Chen, F. He, Y. X. Chen*, (2024) Quantification of complex electrode reactions with differential electrochemical mass spectrometry, challenges and perspectives. In: Wandelt, K., Bussetti, G. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Solid- Liquid Interfaces. vol. 1, pp. 497–513. Elsevier.

    2. W. Chen, M. K. Zhang, B. Y. Liu, J. Cai* and Y. X. Chen*Challenges and Recent Progress in Unravelling the Intrinsic pH Effect in Electrocatalysis, Current Opinion in Electrochemistry, 2022, 34,101003.

    3. M.K. Zhang, J. Cai, Y.-X. Chen*, On the Electrode Charge at the Metal/Solution Interface with Specific Adsorption, Current Opinion in Electrochemistry, 2022,36,101161.

    4. J. Wei, W. Chen, D. Zhou, J. Cai, Y. X. Chen*, Reconstruction of Well-defined Pt-based Electrode Surfaces under Mild Electrochemical Conditions, Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2022, 43 2792

    5. L. Zhang, J. Cai, Y. X. Chen*, J. Huang*, Modelling electrocatalytic reactions with a concerted treatment of multistep electron transfer kinetics and local reaction conditions, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter., 2021, 33, 504002

    6. M.K. Zhang, W. Chen, M.L. Xu, Z. Wei, J. Cai,Y.X. Chen*,Electrochemical Reaction Induced pH Change at the Electrode/Electrolyte Interface and How to Choose the Right Buffer to Resist Such Change? Analytical Chemistry, 2021,93,1976.

    7. M.K. Zhang, W. Chen, Z. Wei, M. L. Xu, Z. D. He, J. Cai*, Y. X. Chen* andE. Santos,Mechanistic Implication of the pH Effect and H/D Kinetic Isotope Effect on HCOOH/HCOO Oxidation at Pt Electrode, A Study by Computer Simulation, ACS Catal., 2021, 11, 6920.

    8. M. K. Zhang,Z. Wei, W. Chen, M.L. Xu, J. Cai* and Y. X. Chen*, Bell shape vs Volcano shape pH Dependent Kinetics of the Electrochemical Oxidation of Formic acid and formate, Intrinsic Kinetics or local pH Shift?Electrochim. Acta, 2020, 363, 137160.

    9. W. Chen, A Yu, Z. Sun, B. Q. Zhu, J. Cai and Y.X. Chen*, Probing Complex Electrocatalytic Reactions using Electrochemical in situ Infrared Spectroscopy, Current Opinion in Electrochemistry, 2019, 14, 113.

    10. W. Chen, J. Huang, J. Wei, D. Zhou,J. Cai, Z. He and Y.X. Chen*, Origins of High Onset Overpotential of Oxygen Reduction Reaction at Pt-Based Electrocatalysts, Electrochemistry Communications, 2018, 96, 71.

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    Laboratory of Spectrochemistry, Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale
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